Smaaash is the first of its kind interactive experience, bringing to you an unmatched range of games that offer a superlative virtual-reality experience, and combines the best of sports, music, and dining into a highly immersive, interactive, and involved entertainment experience.

While the world believes that I have been a successful entrepreneur, I believe that my journey has not even been half complete. In SMAAASH, there is a feeling that we have cracked a space which has tremendous latency and yet is almost unexplored. Having a partner investor like Sixth Sense and Nikhil almost vindicates that feeling.
Our journey has just started, we wish to evolve with the Consumer needs and expectations and we could not have hoped for a better choice of investor who understands consumer behaviour. SMAAASH has always been fortunate to have like-minded eco-system partners such as Star Sports and Sachin Tendulkar and I would like to welcome Sixth Sense into that fold. I believe that we have put most of the building blocks in place and now look forward for an elevated level of performance on all parameters
Shripal Morakhia, CEO